90% of the journey is knowing what you want and the rest 10% is acting towards getting there. Having a clear vision in your head of what you want alongside a great plan of how to get there will put you on the right track. In fact, I highly recommend writing down what your goals are, writing down an estimate of how long it will take and writing down your plan. However, it is important to not get caught up on WHEN it is going to happen and focus on WHAT you want to do and WHY you are doing this.
Having a healthy mindset when working towards your fitness goals is crucial because it is a mind and body journey. I read this line in a book called Three Magic Words and it resonated with me ever since; Thought + Faith = Something that Manifests. What you think about you bring about. Believe you can do it and you will do it. Self belief is paramount to any endeavor. Close your eyes every so often and picture yourself being able to do a pull up or picture how you want to look like when looking in the mirror. Everything is possible, if I can do it so can you.
Consistence and Devotion
Consistence and persistence will get you there. Be consistent because it is not a daunting thing to work towards strengthening yourself. Even if you are not the best right now, with practice you will be better than before. Be resilient and bounce back from difficulties. Picture yourself as a speeding train of crazy positivity that when a small rock is thrown at it, it will never slow down. Have tunnel vision, don't look up and compare yourself to others. No distractions! You are on your own journey and your own pursuit.
Embrace the journey
When you put in the work with passion and drive; that is when you will give it your all and eventually you will have the accolades to match the hard work. I know that sometimes it is frustrating and you want to see results very fast, but you have to enjoy the journey to getting there. That's the best part! You should treat your fitness journey as a marathon and not a sprint. Enjoy the journey, embrace the adversity and have patience. Patience can be tricky sometimes but use this time to train your patience too. When you are impatient and are short cutting to get there you are planning your self inflicted demise; you are bound to relapse in the future. However, when you know the time you put in and how strenuous it was to get to the finish line, you will think twice before you relapse.