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Overcome Adversity with a Great Mindset

Writer's picture: NadaNada

Updated: Mar 3, 2020

"Every great leader in the past whose record I have examined, was beset by difficulties and met with temporary defeat before "arriving."- Napoleon Hill

Alive Time or Dead Time

When struck by adversity it is profoundly important to be equipped with the correct mental state. Your mental state when dealing with adversity will determine the two ways a situation can go. In the book Ego is The Enemy, Ryan Holiday the author talks about a concept called "Alive Time or Dead Time." According to the author, there are two times evident in our lives. One being dead time which consists of passiveness and waiting. The second is alive time and is to be constantly learning, utilizing time and working with urgency. When faced with adversity what will you choose? Your choice will plant the seed of the fruit you will taste in the future.

Never be a victim of circumstance because those outside factors don't define you. Human beings sometimes fall into the habit of thinking "why me", try to avoid succumbing to that type of thinking. You know yourself, what's inside is what defines you, not the circumstance you're dealing with. It is important to have foresight in the beginning. While this premise is difficult to acknowledge in the midst of a brewing storm, remember temporary defeat is part of the journey to success. Do not fear failure as it is inevitable in the journey of success.

Persistence and Patience

At times of adversity do not give up. Thomas Edison didn't give up after 10,000 unsuccessful trials of trying to invent the lightbulb. Edison is now known for saying "I have not failed I just found 10,000 ways that won't work."Fire up your engine, do your work and give it your all because hard work is never wasted.

Constantly surround yourself with positivity and allow it to permeate around you. Plug in your headphones and listen to positive music, listen to uplifting people to strengthen your disposition. Gary Vaynerchuk preaches the concept of macro patience and micro speed. In the micro work with urgency like you’re trying to make it happen tonight. While in the macro have patience and acknowledge that it will not happen fast.

Let Go and Let God

Maintain faith when your plans go awry. Faith is to speak thoughts into existence. Faith is to know it will happen. Faith is to think like it has already happened. There is an omnipotent power that is controlling everything whether it is god or the universe and it will make things happen when they're supposed to happen, not when you want them to happen. Work your hardest and just let go and let god.


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