"It had long come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things."- Leonardo Da Vinci

The way you utilize your mind is your prerogative and is something that you have complete control over. Knowing the power of your subconscious mind will propel you to be the best the version of yourself through using your mind's full capacity. It is a great tool during hardship and especially in times when you need answers that are uncertain. Your subconscious mind will bring forward those answers and suggestions at the right time. Do not keep it dormant, instead wake up your subconscious mind and use it for your advantage.
The Conscious vs. Unconscious Mind (the master and the servant)
The conscious mind operates based your 5 senses. It is objective as it learns through experience, instruction and observation. The conscious mind uses inductive reasoning which means it generalizes a particular situation. For example, we know that an individual owl is nocturnal, therefore inductive reasoning will suggest that all owls are nocturnal.
The subconscious mind is known to be subjective and it feeds on what the conscious mind is exposing it to. According to Dr. Joseph Murphy,"the conscious mind acts like the watch man at the gate." Whatever you decide to feed your conscious mind, your impressionable subconscious will take in. Therefore, it is important to not use negative autosuggestions such as "I can't", "It's too hard", "I'll fail", "Whats the use", "It's too late"and "It's unfair."
Having said that, the subconscious mind is always active and it never sleeps. This is why you should not ignore your intuition or gut feeling because the subconscious mind is a know it all. Conversely, the subconscious mind uses deductive reasoning; which means that it uses a general law and makes it specific to fit the circumstance it is facing.
Prompters are ideologies of yourself buried in the subconscious mind by the workings of the conscious mind. For example, a 10 year old girl is abandoned as a child. As she grows older she feels unwanted and is fueled with anger. She feels resentment, suffers from mental bewilderment and turmoil. All of this repercussion stemmed from her childhood because the subconscious mind never sleeps. On the other hand, let's take the rapper Eminem as an example. Eminem was given the same cards as the 10 year old girl in the example above, however instead he decided to flip the adversity; welcome to Eminem's entire career.
Your subconscious mind is very sensitive to suggestion. What you decide to affect you will either plan your own self inflicted demise or help you find the seed of opportunity that you can plant. Luckily there are ways you can undo those prompters and unlock the door to self realization.
Thoughts Do Turn Into Something
Positive thinking will be your bulwark against difficult circumstances. Feed your subconscious mind with a clear ideology of what it is you want to achieve. Constantly remind yourself of what it is you want to do and convince your mind that it is already done. Imagine it already in your hands. Speak what you want out loud every morning when you wake up and before you sleep at night. As I mentioned before, your subconscious will accept and act upon what is being suggested to it. Thought + Faith + Burning desire = Something that manifests.
Murphy, J. (2008). The power of your subconscious mind. New york, NY: The penguin group
Andersen, U. (2008). Three magic words. Hawthrone, CA: BN publishing